PA3AKE H-Mode Front End

Martein Bakker, PA3AKE, has designed an incredibly high performance receiver front-end for ham radio that utilizes an advanced H-mode mixer. I purchased a set of PCBs and Quartz Crystal filters from him last March, and this November I finally got around to updating the Bill of Materials to reflect currently available parts.

Read about the front-end at Martein's page here: H-Mode Mixer Frontend

I hope to describe the build as it progresses, but in the meantime, I'm making the updated BOM available here as Excel spreadsheets with part numbers for Digikey and Mouser - two large distributors here in the US. Hopefully this information will make it easier to find all the parts needed to complete the front-end.

Currently, the biggest missing piece is the Local Oscillator - if I can find the time and motivation, I hope to complement Martein's work on an AD9910 board, with one using the AD9914. The performance trade-off is not clear to me, and it may be a futile effort, but the incredible speed of the AD9914 makes it interesting for other work at higher frequencies.

Parts Lists

I have tried to follow as closely as possible the organization Martein lays out on his page - thus making it easy to find the correct BOM for the board of interest.

Right-click and save as to download the .xlsx files